About Helen

My name is Helen, thank you for stopping by my page. I am a Reiki Master Teacher, accredited practitioner and also an intuitive artist. As I have become older and more experienced in life, I have learned the importance of getting to know my true inner self and connecting with it. I believe that happiness comes when we can live an authentic life, true to who we are. This is also what I believe to be the key to truly heal, prevent disease and to overcome trauma. 

After the loss of my husband, the father of my young children in 2013 I spent the years after picking up the pieces, trying to be strong and doing all I could to still try to be me and also the mother I wanted to be for my children. The truth is, I was living in a life that was grey and I was lying to myself. I hadn’t allowed myself to heal.

In early 2021 I had my first Reiki treatment with Christine Maudy, I didn’t know a lot about it then, nor what to expect. For some reason I was drawn to have a treatment. I experienced the amazing depths of relaxation that a treatment puts you into but for days and even weeks after, I could feel shifts within me that I find it hard to explain.

I decided to go for a second treatment with Christine, she explained to me the benefits of learning Reiki for myself. I was intrigued and felt that this was the right thing for me. I completed Reiki level 1 and then before I knew it I went on to complete level 2 and then level 3 to become a Reiki Master. During that year, I began to feel more and more connected to myself and was able to gain courage to make big changes in my life that weren’t right and didn’t align with my true self. I can quite easily say that Reiki changed my life for the better. Over that transformative year they greys became colour again.

When I began my Reiki journey, it was never the intention to be a practitioner, I did it for myself and also to help my children. As time went on, I realised that sharing the gift of Reiki was something that also resonated with me and made me happy. So here I am! Most recently, I have become a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, so I am looking forward to teaching others and spreading Reiki further. With my work now, I meet so many people that remind me of how it felt to live in a world of grey and I feel truly grateful that I am able to support them on the journey to self-healing and a life of colour.

I know that I have always been highly intuitive. However, like many of us living in this modern world, I often would be unsure of whether or not to listen or to trust my intuition. Now that I am living an authentic life, I constantly listen to my intuition and encourage as well as teach others to listen to theirs too. The first step is to listen, the second step is to trust. 

I am always learning and I love to incorporate other modalities into my work. I intuitively read tarot and angel cards, I am studying holistic counselling and I also incorporate crystals and aromatherapy into my practice. 

There is a very good chance that you didn’t stumble on my page by accident. This may be the first step to healing or a shift that you need. If you have any questions, or if something here resonates with you, please get in touch x

Please email me at helen@radiantlion.com or via instagram @radiantlion_reiki

• Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher
• Reiki Australia accredited

Helen Shadforth